Posted by: krista | August 30, 2006

The first step is admitting you have a problem

So, I sort of have a weird habit. I tend to buy digital camera’s. Lots of them. I can’t afford a habit like that so of course, I return them all.

In the past few months I have purchased and returned 4 digital cameras. I keep them for as long as allowed, then like Cinderella, I rush to Walmart before the stroke of midnight hits, my dreams of photographic bliss dashed.

I test them out, play with them. Usually I decide that I like mine better, and I happily return the others assured that I made the right choice in picking the little digicam that I actually bought and kept.

Until I met the Canon S3IS.

canon S3IS

It has a 12X optical zoom lens and so (I could add a few extra “o’s” here) many settings. I’ve named her Cherry. You see, I had never used a camera like her before. She is a hybrid between a manual camera and an automatic. A good learning camera.

The thought has crossed my mind to keep her more times than I’d like to admit. I absolutely cannot afford to keep her.


But I had pretty much decided that I couldn’t lose her. Love is funny like that. Makes you do crazy things. I asked my husband if he would return it for me, he laughed “I will not get involved in your machinations.” I had to look up the word machinations. He’s always making me look words up.

It gets worse. The more I thought about it, the more I decided that if I was going to spend that much money on a camera, I should get a Digital SLR. That would make more sense naturally. At least it is a better investment.

So now, I am teetering on the edge of insanity about to return my friend Cherry and instead buy an even more expensive camera, a Canon Digital Rebel, because once you’ve tasted the sweet fruit of an amazing camera, there’s just no turning back.

I am fighting the urge with all my might.

If you know me in real life, and feel compelled to tell me not to do it, specifically if you are my mother- please back away from the computer and leave me to battle my own conscience.

Goddess above, help me be strong.


  1. I am drooling….I love that camera!!! I want a real digital camera so bad … I could never buy and return I am way to evil!!!!

    Be strong!

  2. Ooooh — I feel your pain. I had to settle for a low midrange model last year — nice but not as good as your Cherry. But my dream is for that digital SLR. I can taste it. As a matter of fact I’m researching alternate ways to earn money as I write this…

  3. oh dear, I am on the VERGE of buying a digital…lead me…please!

  4. I want one!! We have a digital, but it is pretty bottom of the pack…this one is the one of my dreams….

  5. No matter what decision you make, I know Cherry will have a good home. 😀

  6. I had that camera a few years ago and loved it. It took GREAT photos(I lost it in my divorce – He got the camera, I got the computer) Bummer that she’s not digital. Battle of the wills to keep or not to keep, I’m glad it’s you not me… I’m not sure how I’d go making such a huge decision.

  7. Cheery is not mine… She IS going back… sniff sniff. if you come up with any ideas I could do too… let me know. I’ll do anything at this point. I’d like to get some writing work- that would be FAB.

  8. Thatnks Jilanna, that makes me feel better. Haha.

  9. Oh, but she IS digital. 6 mega pixels. This model is new, just came out. There is also a similar version that is the S2IS. It’s digital too. Was it a good deal? You getting the computer? Hope so.

    She is going back. Returning her. I am returning her. Today. Today. Today!!!


  10. If you want a little camera I recommend any of the Canon digital elhps. They take great pictures, and are just cute little cameras.

    The Nikon Cool Pix sucks. I thought it would be good because it’s “Nikon” but it was dumb. Pictures were just meh, and it had a whole host of stupid settings that you’d never need.

  11. The only thing wrong with this one is that it’s kind of big. You get used it it being big. I dropped my little camera and had to have the lens replaced, that’s what started this whole mess- so anyway, when I got the little one back, it seemed so small, and so portable. I appreciate that about it.

  12. Thanks.

  13. Have you tried looking for it online or getting the s2IS online for less money. I have a kodak p850 that is similar to the S2IS but way cheaper. The only problem with the p850 is that it doesnt do as good in lowlight but has tons of manual settings and external flash options even a studio flash kit option.
    I hope you find something to suit you.

  14. I don’t know anything about cameras. I just wanted to say hi!

  15. i feel your budget pain. i have urges for fun things; fabricland has been taunting me, new fall clothes have been taunting me, the prospect of a new couch, one that doesnt hurt your back and bum are taunting me. i find myself envying this camera you are toying with. But for the time being, i just try to keep my eyes forward. pay off the student loans, pay off the credit line, pay off the mortgage, buy new house, end insanity about not having enough room to live. i can wait for material and creative pleasures, they can brew inside of me…for now.

  16. Yummy…DO IT! You never buy anything for your self, you deserve it, C’mon every one has one, really its a family investment, think of all the pictures you can take of the kids…

    I’m evil, I know. Seriously go for it.


  17. you’re funny.

  18. hmmm… I did read that there isn’t much difference between the S2IS and the S3IS. That’s a good idea, but then, like I said… the digital slr’s are calling me, and um. I am IGNORING their call. Must NOT buy new camera.

  19. But Jeremy gets to buy new toys and things….

  20. Haha you are very funny Andrea. The problem is that indeed I DO buy things for myself. All too often.

  21. I thought it might. mwahahahaha!

  22. My husband has the rebel digital and to be honest he has taken just as good if not better pics with my cheap kodak. I think if you have the eye the camera matters less. I take crappy pics with both.

  23. I haven’t yet told my husband, but one of the main reasons I’m doing the whole Tupperware thing is to make enough money to afford a really screaming digi. Oh course, with the way things are going, I’ll have to spend the money on FOOD, but hey, a girl can dream, right?

  24. I’m in the same boat as you, really.

  25. Are you saying your husband doesn’t have a good eye?

    Just kidding. I think if you know how to use it well, you can really take some artsy shots… but you are right, you can take good ones without the fancy scmancy camera too…

  26. Dude. I want a new digital camera so badly. SO BADLY. We have a shitty Kodak Easy Share. It’s shit. *sigh*

    Good luck with your camera problem. 😉

  27. Oh, I will be no help whatsoever. I am completely powerless when I decide I must have something. I’m not overly materialistic, but when I get my heart set on something…

  28. Since I am not your mother I can say I hope you returned it. Keep your eye on the bigger things you will have to pay for this month. You can let this go this time. Love you.

  29. speaking as one who does much returning, I know all too well the slipery slope you about to slide down. re-read the features of you current camera to rekindle you love. your initial purchase was a good one…or something like that. ps. kelly wont let me spend any more money. i havent had a new toy in three days!

  30. that was good advice.

    i do need to rekindle.

    Three days! that’s insane!

  31. As an owner of a “cherry” myself I can say I am in love and wished I went all out for the Rebel as well. Good luck deciding.

  32. I did the deed. She’s gone. I think I can get over it. I will dream and save of a digital rebel now.

  33. Well that’s a tough one.

  34. I wonder if you have returned the camera yet. You know how I feel about cameras, so I’d be the first person to say, “KEEP IT!”. But I think you should return it, wait until after December when the price of that camera will almost certainly drop and then revisit purchasing it and keeping it. You take amazing pictures no matter what camera you are using.

  35. Aw really? Thanks Boyenna. I did return it already.

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