Posted by: krista | August 16, 2006

I can't believe I just said that

All is peaceful in the house. Sesame street is on the tube. The tune of “somebody come and play” is dancing in my ears. I’m happily enjoying my morning coffee, reading the paper.

Suddenly, at an ear piercing and shattering level comes a giant: WaaahHhHhHHHHhhHH from baby George.

Me: (slightly accusingly) Aidan, what happened?

Him: (All matter of fact, holding up a bic pencil) He was eating this. So I took it away from him.

Me: (Big Sigh) Give him back his pencil Aidan!

What happened to all my parenting ambition?


  1. That’s funny. Just wait you’ll become a worse (better?)parent as the years go on. I was the best parent before I had kids.

  2. Haha, I was definietly a “better” parent before I had two kids.

  3. Oh, how I’ve been there!

  4. It’s the second child syndrome. I let Oliver do/chew on things that I never, ever would have with Julia. Makes me laugh sometimes.

  5. I remember a gal pal of mine induldging in coffee and the odd glass of champagne… She figured the first two were hyperactive messes… try a different approach…
    oddly enough… he is the calmest of the bunch…doesn’t say much though as these kids can crawl walls… I swear!

  6. As my children get older, and I find my way slowly back to something approaching my former sanity, I am happier. My children are happier. And pencils are chewed. And juice is drunk. And baths are sometimes nixed. We even sometimes don’t have vegetables at night.

    Happier is better. Even without carrots.

  7. Ditto Mama Tulip. I try not to let CJ get away with too much more, but that girl can wear down my patience faster than Tacy ever did.

  8. I hear you. I never thought I’d tell Cakes to eat the cheerios off the floor before she gets more.

  9. Haha, that’s funny.

  10. You should hear/see the things that go on at my house. Having that third baby has certainly made my parenting skills go down the tubes.

  11. Lol, it’s comes with having more than one child. I remember never letting anyone hold my eldest as an infant untill they washed their hands…by the 4th we had the 10 second rule.

  12. My standards have seriously lowered over the years. Now that they can pretty much amuse themselves I have days where I really don’t even care what they’re doing as long as it’s being done quietly.

    I suck … but I knit good!! lol

  13. that is hilarious.

  14. oh…it is so hard to keep up the ambition all the time, we all get tired….

  15. Yes you do knit really well. Your knitting amazes me. Completely amazes me.

  16. Yep. I’ll find myself letting Rosie keep choking hazard-sized items sometimes just so she won’t cry. (I watch her like a hawk, but still…)

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